FMP: Zoe Buckman

I recently came across some embroidery works by Zoe Buckman. I really love her use of embroidery and choice of lyrics on the vintage underwear.

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Ive had an idea to take some of Beyonce’s sexual lyrics from her album BEYONCÉ and stitch them onto baby vests. I want to show that being sexual is a normal part of the everyday for most people, and becoming a mother doesn’t stop that. I also want to show that these lyrics are a bit ridiculous and un-realistic, so to show that they are a fantasy or dream.

The lyrics I have thought about using are:

‘Daddy, I want you’

‘Why can’t I keep my fingers off of you baby?’

‘I want you, na, na’

‘Baby I want you’

‘We be all night’

‘No complaints for my body’

‘We sex again in the morning’

‘I fill the tub halfway, then riding on my surfboard’

‘Graining on that wood’

‘Slid the panties off to the side’

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